Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Quinn goes to school!!!!

Ready for school!
How cute!
Wecan't believe our baby is 5!
Bye sister...I'll miss you!
GRandma and Grandpa got to be here for the first day!
Coming home on the bus!

Let's go 'EERS! Can you believe she is 5!
Happy Birthday Quinn!Presents!

Quinn had her first day of kindergarten today! She had a great day and said lunch was her favorite! When Lance and I dropped her off today she went right in, sat down and started coloring a picture like the teacher asked. She was fine when we left, but her mommy cried the entire way out of the building and the whole way home!
She insisted that she wanted to ride the bus home so we let her. As it pulled up I saw her through the window, she came running off like a pro and gave me a big hug! She said she liked riding the bus but said it took forever! She is all ready to go back again tomorrow and much to my surprise didn't seem overly tired today!
We just can't believe that she is now 5 and officially school age!


Jenni said...

Glad she enjoyed her first day! And Mommy made it through too! We've got 2 days left til Nolan's first day....and after you told us about the pick-up routine at school, we too have decided to go ahead and let him ride home on the bus the first day!

Grandma "R" said...

Well, Grandma and Grandpa were lucky enough to be there on Quinn's first day. She looked so cute in her pleated pink skirt with shoes to match. Glad to hear her experience was a happy one and that she's ready again for tomorrow. How did Reagan do today without her big sister?? We enjoyed being there for Quinn's 5th birthday. See you at Christmas!!
Love and Hugs, Grandma and Grandpoppy

Laura Domina said...

What a big girl! Good job riding the bus home alone. I love your first day outfit! We got your message today so will call you later when you get home from school.

Anne said...

Quinn you are such a big girl! I am so proud of you :)