Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reagan enjoying the school days!

Helping mommy make muffins
Messing up the bed mommy just she does every day
I'm so funny when I'm mischievous.
Just chillin'
Quinn's picture day practice.

This has been my first week home with Reagan while Quinn is in school, boy, what a different child she is!!! Reagan has been so much calmer, friendlier and easy going while Quinn is at school. She is also talking more, yesterday she even said a 5 word sentence.
Right now we are working on learning all the animals and what they say so Reagan has decided to carry a stuffed frog with her...everywhere!!! Yesterday I had to buckle and push the frog around the store in a cart. When we were going out to the car Reagan held one of my hands and with the other helped her frog hop across the street, the minivan waiting for us to cross was not amused. But when Quinn comes home she reverts back to grouchy, screaming Reagan.

Quinn still loves school and is doing really well. From what I gather she hasn't learned much, except the parts of a book. I think the first few weeks are focused more on just getting them adjusted.
The girls are looking forward to Lance coming home this weekend, Quinn is also excited to go to Mississippi one day soon.

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

Looks like Reagan's getting lots of attention while Quinn's in school. Cute haircut!!
Quinn photogenic as usual. Hope her school picture turns out as well. Her hair is sooo cute.
Miss you girls!!
Love, Grandma and Grandpa
Also, Captain Feathersword