Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kindergarten Freeze Pop party

Here are some pictures from this week. Lance was washing the cars the other day so Quinn had to jump in and wash hers too! We were so proud of Quinn during her hospital stay, she was so brave. She only got upset a couple of times, the nurses really liked her, they thought she was so cute! She enjoyed it when the came to take her food order, she couldn't believe the choices she had. I was proud of her when they asked if she wanted grape soda and she said she wasn't allowed to have soda so she would stick with juice.
She was released just in time to go to her kindergarten welcome party. SHe met her teacher and some of the kids. Her teacher will be coming to our house one day this week to meet with us as well.

Washing her ride
Gotta keep this thing looking good!
What a big, brave girl!
Reagan scoping out all the kids
Quinn is ready to check out her playground
She approves o fthis slide
How cool is she
Here I go!

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

Can I try one of those slides when I'm up there?? They sure look like lots of fun!!
Hugs and Kisses,
Grandma Raffo