Sunday, September 7, 2008

Soccer Week 1

Reagan chilling and watching soccer
Quinn gets her "game" face on
Listening to her coach
Getting a talk about rules...he said no pushing, Quinn was confused since her over competitve mommy told her it was ok to push a little
She's conserving her energy
Quinn started soccer yesterday, it was in a beautiful location about 10 minutes outside of town. It wasn't as organized as in VA. but she enjoyed it. She will play on Sat. and Mon. so i think 2 days a week will be nice. She is much better this year and actually understands the concept a bit more.
Quinn is a bit under the weather now, she has a sinus infection but she can't take any medicine due to her other meds. I feel bad for her,she is sleeping now. I hope she is well enough for school tomorrow. Her first week was great but she was exhausted after!
Reagan is doing well, she is getting a couple more teeth right now. She misses Quinn during the day but loves going to the bus to get her.

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