Saturday, September 22, 2007

Soccer week 3--- 1 GOAL!!!!!

Look at me go!
Breakaway! But going the wrong way!
Still going!
I'll get it!

Helping my teammate
She scored right after this!!!!
I heard this makes a great facial
Quinn had her first real soccer game today, she did GREAT! We are so proud of her! She wanted to be out there the whole time, running back onto the field after each water break! She did score 1 goal and came very close a couple of times! We still need to work on the concept of soccer a bit, she doesn't want to take the ball from others. I understand though, everyday we tell kids to share and take their turn and then expect them to forget everything! Her coaches were very happy with the way she did as well and couldn't believe how much different than last week!
Quinn was even playing with a slight injury. She had her 4 year shots Thursday and ended up having a reaction, one of her arms had a swollen area about the size of a softball that was red, hard and hot so we had to take her to Urgent Care last night. They said it was infected so she had to get some medicine, which is helping.
The other pictures are from Reagan enjoying some pasta earlier this week. Reagan was cute at soccer too, everytime the parents cheered so would clap and say "yaaahh"!
Now we are getting ready to watch our Mountaineers!

1 comment:

AnneG said...

Quinnie, Jason and I are so proud of you! I'm sure you made Pete proud as well :) Keep it up!
