Sunday, September 16, 2007

Redskins game, WVU vs. MD and soccer week 2

The Amry paratroopers bring inthe game ball
Ready for kickoff- Go 'EERS!
The WVU defense takes the field

National Anthem at the Skins game

Here come the Redskins
This week was a busy one for us! Last Sunday Lance and his dad went to the Redskins opening game, Lance was thrilled as he has never been to a skins game before. They had a great time, the Redskins pulled out a victory in OT. While they were at the game went to a park with Grandma Raffo, the girls had a good time but it was unbearably hot so we couldn't stay long.

Then on Thursday Lance and I went to the ESPN game of the week, WVU vs. Maryland in College Park! We met some people from my office to tailgate and were happy to see so many Mountaineer fans at the game. We had great seats, 45 yard line row 2, so we were able to see everything so close, it was great! It started off as a close game but the 'eers eventually pulled away and won 31-14. The highlight was probably seeing true freshman Noel Devine, he is an amazing athelete!

Yesterday Quinn had week 2 of soccer, this was the last practice before their game. She started off great but then wantedto sit with me or not play at all. She did have to go potty at one point so I think that was part of her not wanting to play. She is the only girl on the team and takes an interesting approach, during one of the drills she was dribbling the ball with her hands above her head pretending to be a ballerina. She was most excited when one of the kids scored, she did a little cheer for him. Next week is her first game so we'll see how she does!

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