Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Soccer week 3--- 1 GOAL!!!!!

Look at me go!
Breakaway! But going the wrong way!
Still going!
I'll get it!

Helping my teammate
She scored right after this!!!!
I heard this makes a great facial
Quinn had her first real soccer game today, she did GREAT! We are so proud of her! She wanted to be out there the whole time, running back onto the field after each water break! She did score 1 goal and came very close a couple of times! We still need to work on the concept of soccer a bit, she doesn't want to take the ball from others. I understand though, everyday we tell kids to share and take their turn and then expect them to forget everything! Her coaches were very happy with the way she did as well and couldn't believe how much different than last week!
Quinn was even playing with a slight injury. She had her 4 year shots Thursday and ended up having a reaction, one of her arms had a swollen area about the size of a softball that was red, hard and hot so we had to take her to Urgent Care last night. They said it was infected so she had to get some medicine, which is helping.
The other pictures are from Reagan enjoying some pasta earlier this week. Reagan was cute at soccer too, everytime the parents cheered so would clap and say "yaaahh"!
Now we are getting ready to watch our Mountaineers!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Redskins game, WVU vs. MD and soccer week 2

The Amry paratroopers bring inthe game ball
Ready for kickoff- Go 'EERS!
The WVU defense takes the field

National Anthem at the Skins game

Here come the Redskins
This week was a busy one for us! Last Sunday Lance and his dad went to the Redskins opening game, Lance was thrilled as he has never been to a skins game before. They had a great time, the Redskins pulled out a victory in OT. While they were at the game went to a park with Grandma Raffo, the girls had a good time but it was unbearably hot so we couldn't stay long.

Then on Thursday Lance and I went to the ESPN game of the week, WVU vs. Maryland in College Park! We met some people from my office to tailgate and were happy to see so many Mountaineer fans at the game. We had great seats, 45 yard line row 2, so we were able to see everything so close, it was great! It started off as a close game but the 'eers eventually pulled away and won 31-14. The highlight was probably seeing true freshman Noel Devine, he is an amazing athelete!

Yesterday Quinn had week 2 of soccer, this was the last practice before their game. She started off great but then wantedto sit with me or not play at all. She did have to go potty at one point so I think that was part of her not wanting to play. She is the only girl on the team and takes an interesting approach, during one of the drills she was dribbling the ball with her hands above her head pretending to be a ballerina. She was most excited when one of the kids scored, she did a little cheer for him. Next week is her first game so we'll see how she does!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

First day of soccer

Quinn had her first soccer practice today. Her team did a few drills but didn't scrimmage. She did well for the most part. Many of the kids have played before so they have some idea what is going on.
We were very happy with the way she listened to her coach and performed in the drill. Her first game is in a couple weeks!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I love Dream Dinners!

Tonight I went to a meal assembly place called Dream Dinners and I am in love! Since we both work too many nights we end up eating something that is cooked in the microwave and I end up feeling guilty.
I had heard of Dream Dinners before so when one opened in Sterling
I decided to try it. I went tonight and made 16 dinners in about an hour and a half. I made two 6 six serving dinners and the rest are 3 servings and several even come with sides. These aren't your run of the mill dinners either, one is a garlic marinated sirloin another is Ailio Turkey Medallions (not sure if I spelled that right),a couple different chickens, herb Dijon pork...mmmm I can't wait.
It is so easy too, you go online and pick what you want to make, when you get there they have different stations set up for each dish. All the ingredients are already cut and ready for you to use, you just follow the recipe and put everything into freezer bag. When you finish one dish you just move onto the next station start the next one.

It wasn't expensive either, all my meals were only $170. I am so excited to try one tomorrow night. They do private parties too, what a great baby shower idea. I feel like I should be a spokesperson. If you have one near you give it a try!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of pre-4Eating crayons
Relaxing at the Lake
Quinn and I chilling on Lake Norman
Jean Ann, Jaclyn and Anne with Quinn and I in the background
Ready for kickoff
Let's GO Mountaineers!

PJ twins Quinn and Jaclyn
The girls and our girls
Shelley, Anne, me and Jean Ann
The long weekend is over and we are back to reality! Quinn and I both had strep throat last week but luckily with the medication we recovered quickly and were still able to enjoy our long awaited weekend! We enjoyed spending the weekend at Anne and Jason's on Lake Norman, NC with several of my college friends. We all enjoyed watching our Mountaineer's kick off the season with a big win as well as relaxing on the lake. Quinn had a blast playing with Jaclyn and was amazed that they had the same PJ's.
This week Quinn is excited to start soccer, we'll post pictures of that soon!