Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A trip to the Pitt zoo

In the "club" they built with daddy...Reagan insisted on wearing a bathing suit all day
Quinn heading off to school
How cute is she
Reagan loves wearing her bibs
Reagan is enjoying the fall like day
Mama and baby elephant...aren't they cute
Both baby elephants
Reagan loved roaring at the big bear
My mom enjoyed seeing the giraffe

Quinn enjoys petting a goat
Reagan's first carousel ride
Reagan petting a dear

Quinn in front of her favorite animal, a flamingo

We have enjoyed some great activities this week..the girls loved going to the zoo on Sunday. We got to see the debut of the baby elephants. It was a great day to go to the zoo...the temps were great.
We are enjoying some more seasonable fall weather this week, we froze at Quinn's soccer on Monday.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reagan enjoying the school days!

Helping mommy make muffins
Messing up the bed mommy just she does every day
I'm so funny when I'm mischievous.
Just chillin'
Quinn's picture day practice.

This has been my first week home with Reagan while Quinn is in school, boy, what a different child she is!!! Reagan has been so much calmer, friendlier and easy going while Quinn is at school. She is also talking more, yesterday she even said a 5 word sentence.
Right now we are working on learning all the animals and what they say so Reagan has decided to carry a stuffed frog with her...everywhere!!! Yesterday I had to buckle and push the frog around the store in a cart. When we were going out to the car Reagan held one of my hands and with the other helped her frog hop across the street, the minivan waiting for us to cross was not amused. But when Quinn comes home she reverts back to grouchy, screaming Reagan.

Quinn still loves school and is doing really well. From what I gather she hasn't learned much, except the parts of a book. I think the first few weeks are focused more on just getting them adjusted.
The girls are looking forward to Lance coming home this weekend, Quinn is also excited to go to Mississippi one day soon.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Soccer Week 1

Reagan chilling and watching soccer
Quinn gets her "game" face on
Listening to her coach
Getting a talk about rules...he said no pushing, Quinn was confused since her over competitve mommy told her it was ok to push a little
She's conserving her energy
Quinn started soccer yesterday, it was in a beautiful location about 10 minutes outside of town. It wasn't as organized as in VA. but she enjoyed it. She will play on Sat. and Mon. so i think 2 days a week will be nice. She is much better this year and actually understands the concept a bit more.
Quinn is a bit under the weather now, she has a sinus infection but she can't take any medicine due to her other meds. I feel bad for her,she is sleeping now. I hope she is well enough for school tomorrow. Her first week was great but she was exhausted after!
Reagan is doing well, she is getting a couple more teeth right now. She misses Quinn during the day but loves going to the bus to get her.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Quinn goes to school!!!!

Ready for school!
How cute!
Wecan't believe our baby is 5!
Bye sister...I'll miss you!
GRandma and Grandpa got to be here for the first day!
Coming home on the bus!

Let's go 'EERS! Can you believe she is 5!
Happy Birthday Quinn!Presents!

Quinn had her first day of kindergarten today! She had a great day and said lunch was her favorite! When Lance and I dropped her off today she went right in, sat down and started coloring a picture like the teacher asked. She was fine when we left, but her mommy cried the entire way out of the building and the whole way home!
She insisted that she wanted to ride the bus home so we let her. As it pulled up I saw her through the window, she came running off like a pro and gave me a big hug! She said she liked riding the bus but said it took forever! She is all ready to go back again tomorrow and much to my surprise didn't seem overly tired today!
We just can't believe that she is now 5 and officially school age!