Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day!

Big girl Reagan
Quinn playing dress up
Reagan takes a turn dressing up
Snow rocks!
Building a snow castle

It's really snowing!
Let me see if I can catch one!
Today we got a "big" snowstorm, we have about 4 inches right now, luckily no ice yet. Reagan was a bit under the weather so she stayed in with Lance, since my office closed early I was able to play with Quinn. We built snow castles and tried to make a snow man. Quinn also had great fun trying to catch snowflakes in her mouth! I went to Wal-mart to buy Quinn a sled...can you believe they didn't get any in this year, how crazy is that!
Reagan is still learning new words, yesterday she was trying to say sister. She knows about 15 words now. She is also still doing great in her big bed!


Grandma "R" said...

Boy, that snow sure looks like lots of fun. Too bad Reagan didn't feel good so she could play in it too. Grandma is missing the snow but Grandpa says we have white stuff here in Florida too, but it's sand!!!!! You girls will be playing in it pretty soon.
Hugs and Kisses, Grandma and Grandpa

Laura Domina said...

Nothing like WV snow though is it?! I'm so glad we got some for the kids to enjoy even if just for a day. Maybe we'll get more before the winter ends. Too bad Reagan couldn't enjoy it. Looks like Quinn had alot of fun. Looking forward to seeing ya'll next weekend!
Laura and Anthony