Monday, January 14, 2008

Reagan is becoming such a big girl!

Quinn pushing around her baby! Quinn, our great puzzle worker, she worked 4 all by herself yesterday!
Reagan napping in her big girl bed!
Quinn cheering on the 'EERs!
Quinn in her uniform!

This has been a big week for Reagan...she just had her fourth night sleeping in her big girl bed! We took the side off her crib to make it a toddler bed and she is doing great! She did roll out a couple time because a side rail won't fit on it so we are getting her a new bed this weekend. She has done such a great job, we are so proud of her. The other great thing about it was that Quinn was so embarrased the first night that Reagan stayed in her bed all night that she has slept in her bed every night since! That's right, the last 3 nights Quinn has stayed in her own bed all night, she hasn't woke up at all.
Quinn is doing so well at preschool, Friday her teacher said that Quinn is by far her best listener and does such a great job, even better than the kids who are there full time! Quinn has also learned how to do the sign of the cross and is helping to teach Reagan. Reagan now puts her hands together and sits patiently while we pray at dinner, it is very cute.
We are looking forward to our trip to FL in a few weeks, it is supposed to get cold here so we'll look forward to the nice weather. Before I go, a funny Quinn story. Last week Lance had an appointment to discuss his procedure to prevent Quinn and Reagan from having anymore siblings. Quinn was very concerned about why her dad had to go to the doctor, she wouldn't let up about it so without thinking I just said that Mommy and Daddy didn't want to have anymore babies so Daddy was going to talk to his doctor about it. I thought that would satisfy her, but she looked really sad and then said, "If we don't want anymore babies what are we going to do with Reagan, who are we going to give her to?" I assured her that we were keeping Reagan and she was very relived!

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

Darling Quinn story!! Bet mommy and daddy love not having to share the bed with two little girls!!
Glad to hear Quinn is doing so well in school. If I were her teacher, she'd be my "teacher's pet!" Love, Grandma