Monday, January 21, 2008

Reagan's big girl room!

Here is the store photo of the bed

Reagan's big girl bed and nightstand
The dresser
The huge wardrobe...I feel sorry for the next movers!
Reagan chillin' in her new room
All ready for bed

This weekend we finished Reagan's big girl room furniture! She absolutely loves it, when Quinn sat on her bed she said told her no and pushed her a bit, she did not want Quinn on her new bed! We got her furniture from Ikea, and it is ever sturdy, and weighs a ton! The bed is very low to the ground so she can get in and out by herself, but it is plenty long enough for years to come, Quinn has plenty of room in it. We also got her a 3 drawer dresser, night stand and a wardrobe, which is really big. I haven't finished everything yet, I need to rearrange some pictures and hang so other ones, but it is off to a great start!

1 comment:

Laura Domina said...

So cute!! It looks like it made for a little princess like Reagan. Looking forward to this weekend!