Saturday, August 18, 2007

Quinns Birthday, part 1

Birthday surprise!
Wow... a new ride!
Checking it out!
Getting some tunes (it has a real FM radio)

Showing off the new Escalade Hitting the streets
The feeling of the open least on Baggett Terrace Cruising with Reagan

Heading off blasting some tunes!

We are celebrating Quinn's 4thbirthday early today so after breakfast we gave her the gift Grandma, Mommy and Daddy got her. She has been wanting one for months since her other Jeep broke. She was so excited, especially to drive Reagan around with her. She also loves the radio, I'm sure everyone on our street loved us being out there at 7:30am.

We are going to a really cool pool today to meet family for her party then have a cookout. We'll post more pics later!

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