Saturday, August 4, 2007

Missing Daddy

Where did my baby go? What a big girl!
Reagan getting hosed
She is really laughing

That is cheese in her mouth, not a tooth

I love this ball popper

Monkey see, monkey do
Here are some pictures from today of the girls. It has only been 4 days since Lance left but it feels like so much longer. Quinn really misses him and asks frequently if we are going to the airport to pick him up. I don't know how single parents do it! She has become quite observant lately, noticing that one of our neighbors got a new car and then pointing out everyone who didn't get a new car. She is absolutely obsessedwith her birthday, everyday she asks if today is August 30. She will strike up a conversation with a complete stranger about her birthday, then ask when theirs is, how old they will be and what they want, adults too, not just kids!
We went "swimming" in the backyard pool again, the kids seem to have just as much fun and it is way easier than going to our neighborhood pool. We went out to play for a bit this afternoon but it is just way too hot, 99 when we were out!
We are looking forward to our trip to WV next week, I am really excited to see some of my childhood friends I haven't seen in years. I am looking forward to some cooler temps, hopefully! After we get back it will only be a few more days until Lance comes home which will be nice.

1 comment:

Laura Domina said...

Quinn does look like a big girl!! Reagan doesn't even look scared of the water. Love all the pictures! Anthony can't wait to see his cousins in a few weeks for Quinn's bday.