Monday, August 27, 2007

RIP Eeyore


Quinn enjoying the arts and crafts at the Ritz cookout
Quinn's finished product...beautiful
Reagan preparing to be a zoo keeper
Yesterday we said goodbye to a member of our family, Quinn's Eeyore. Eeyore joined us as a replacement "lovey" after the tragic loss of Dog at Wal-Mart last summer. So anyone who has been around Quinn knows Eeyore and Dog have gone everywhere with her and was really a security blanket, but Quinn also sucked her fingers and became more introverted at times with him. I cam to the realization that she would never willingly give him up and it was going to start being a problem.
So, yesterday after church when she wasn't paying attention I hid him and Cat (Eeyore's backup). She has asked for him a few times, we have tried to change the subject or say we aren't sure where he is. She did tell each of us that she really needed him because she wanted to suck her fingers and even told Lance she couldn't sleep without sucking her fingers so she needed him. But she did fine, she didn't even cry last night. We are sure that in a couple days he will be long forgotten.
We went to the Ritz Carlton's family picnic yesterday, it was all 4 DC Ritz's and Corporate. It was really nice they had a lot of games and activities for the kids, we all had a great time.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Quinn's birthday part 2

Reagan's turn to slide
We'll catch you Reagan
Taking Anthony for a ride
Check us out
All tuckered out in Grandma's arms
Ready to play again
Anthony and Quinn going down the froggy
Quinn going up to the big slide
Here comes Quinn
We went to a water park today with Anthony, Laura and Lance's parents, the water was freezing but thekids had a blast!

Quinns Birthday, part 1

Birthday surprise!
Wow... a new ride!
Checking it out!
Getting some tunes (it has a real FM radio)

Showing off the new Escalade Hitting the streets
The feeling of the open least on Baggett Terrace Cruising with Reagan

Heading off blasting some tunes!

We are celebrating Quinn's 4thbirthday early today so after breakfast we gave her the gift Grandma, Mommy and Daddy got her. She has been wanting one for months since her other Jeep broke. She was so excited, especially to drive Reagan around with her. She also loves the radio, I'm sure everyone on our street loved us being out there at 7:30am.

We are going to a really cool pool today to meet family for her party then have a cookout. We'll post more pics later!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

10 year reunion

Class of 1997 Reunion

Kathryn and me, she was one of my best friends growing up

Amanda and I
Me, Jill, Kathryn and Mary
Quinn trying to play ball with Violet

Last week the girls and I made a trip back to WV and I went to my 10 year reunion, I wish that Lance could have gone with me. It is hard to believe I graduated 10 years ago, but after seeing people for only a few minutes I realized how little we had all changed.

It was great seeing some of my friends, catching up and reminiscing about the fun we used to have. It was also great to meet every one's spouses and kids, there was several of us that had 4 and 1 year olds and mainly a girl dominated crowd. Quinn enjoyed playing with Violet, the daughter of my friend Kathryn. They rode a few rides together at the festival and played at the cookout.

Quinn also loved watching the parade for the Cherry River Festival. She especially loved the firetrucks and The Lumberjack Express (RHS marching band). She enjoyed seeing the little girl twirler groups too and asked when those marching girls could come to our house.

Lance came home yesterday, the kids were thrilled. Yesterday morning Quinn said she had to pick out something pretty to wear for her daddy, it was too cute. We are having Quinn's early birthday this weekend so she is really excited about that.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Missing Daddy

Where did my baby go? What a big girl!
Reagan getting hosed
She is really laughing

That is cheese in her mouth, not a tooth

I love this ball popper

Monkey see, monkey do
Here are some pictures from today of the girls. It has only been 4 days since Lance left but it feels like so much longer. Quinn really misses him and asks frequently if we are going to the airport to pick him up. I don't know how single parents do it! She has become quite observant lately, noticing that one of our neighbors got a new car and then pointing out everyone who didn't get a new car. She is absolutely obsessedwith her birthday, everyday she asks if today is August 30. She will strike up a conversation with a complete stranger about her birthday, then ask when theirs is, how old they will be and what they want, adults too, not just kids!
We went "swimming" in the backyard pool again, the kids seem to have just as much fun and it is way easier than going to our neighborhood pool. We went out to play for a bit this afternoon but it is just way too hot, 99 when we were out!
We are looking forward to our trip to WV next week, I am really excited to see some of my childhood friends I haven't seen in years. I am looking forward to some cooler temps, hopefully! After we get back it will only be a few more days until Lance comes home which will be nice.