Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sledding a Potty

We sit and wait while Reagan looks down saying "Pee pee, where are you, c'mon!"
Waiting on the pee pee

A snow angel!

Here I goooooooo!

Reagan and Daddy take a turn

About to hit the ramp Daddy built me!

Quinn and Daddy

Ready to slide

So much fun!

Reagan and daddy taking a snow walk

Let me try this snow

Reagan wasn't sure what to think

Hiking to the sledding hill

Today was actually warm enough to take the kids out to enjoy the snow. Since Quinn actually had school today we went out after she got home, we were out for almost 2 hours and the girls had such a great time. Reagan has never really played in snow so she was content to just throw it around and laugh at the dogs rolling around in it. Quinn was all about the sledding! She went down the hill over and over, then her and Lance built a little ramp which she loved!
We have been working with Reagan on potty training, if she is wearing a diaper she rips it off the second it is wet at all...even at nap! So we decided it's time. We have been sitting her on the potty every 30 - 45 minutes today and giving her M&M's to sit there, since she never gets candy she thinks that is great. She has gone 4 times and had 2 accidents but she was wearing a diaper the whole time we were outside. We are really proud of her and think it is too cute when she tells her pee pee to "c'mon"!
Reagan is starting to speak much more as well, even in short sentences. On Tuesday we came out of Wal-Mart and she said, "Look Mama, it's snowing outside." After all the speech problems we had with Quinn it is such a relief that Reagan is doing so well.
Quinn is doing great, just disappointed that we have had so many snow days (7 since 1/5!). She likes her new teacher and continues to do well with her letters and sounds. She loves playing the leapster she received for Christmas and can also get on her favorite website,, by herself to play games.


Anne said...

Looks like Quinn had a blast sledding! And way to go Reagan :)

Laura Domina said...

Good job Reagan, such a big girl!!
What a pro sledder Quinn is! I'm sooo jealous - haven't even seen a flake here. Need at least 1 good snow. Have fun with it!
Love, Laura

Grandma "R" said...

I've seen these pictures before and thought I had commented. Well, they almost make me want to see snow. Sure looks like fun doing all that sledding. I would have done it too if I was there.
Love, Grandma
PS - Quinn, I enjoyed hearing about the groundhog the other day.