Sunday, January 4, 2009

Belated Merry Christmas

Reagan and Quinn with their cousins Michael and Anthony
Aunt Bridget and Reagan

Anthony and Quinn try out the puppy maker

Prioncess game for the leapster

Reagan and Grandma Raffo check it out

What is it???

We all got new PJ's on Christmas Eve

Cool a leapster!

Reagan got a racecar

Let's get these open

Daddy and the girls

Look at our new jammies

All cute for Santa

Buckshot tries to help Reagan open a gift

If only they both would look

Shelly stopped by for a pre-Christmas celebration


Reagan takes a Christmas Eve nap

So I finally got our Christmas pictures up. We had a great Christmas in MD this year,
Quinn and Reagan loved seeing their Grandparents, cousins and Aunts! Quinn was so
excited to get the puppy maker and playdoh she asked Santa for. She also got a Leapster
which she loves! Reagan recieved mostly all "boy" toys: a racecar, dump trucks, Bob the Builder
tool set and CARS stuff, she loves it all.
We are settled at my mom's house now, Quinn is ready to start her new school tomorrow.
We attended our new church today, everyone was so nice. Quinn started CCD today and already
made a couple of new friends.

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

I love seeing the Christmas pictures but the time went by too quickly. It was good for the cousins to get together. Quinn and Reagan got great gifts from Santa. I was glad to hear Quinn liked her new school. I know she'll do just fine.
Love, Grandma