Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last week of soccer

Running a drill....that's how dark itwas at 5:30!
Going to score
A well deserved medal!

Reagan and I freezing

Monday was Quinn's last day of soccer for the year, she really enjoyed soccer this year, much more so than last year. It was FREEZING Monday so we were happy that it was a little shorter than usual, it was in the 30's with wind, Lance had to take Reagan to the car halfway through.

Yesterday we had a little drama when Quinn got a splinter in her foot in some rough wood in the office. According to her this was mine and Lance's fault because we weren't watching her, we didn't even check on her when she was a whole 10 feet away! She said it hurt to walk and we couldn't get it out so I took her to the Urgent Care or "Allergic Care" as Quinn called it. She wouldn't sit still for the doctor either, even when he was just looking she acted like he was killing her. He had to use a needle device and very small tweezers to get it while a nurse and I held her down. The whole time she was SCREAMING things like "Get off of me", "Let go of me, I'm leaving", "Someone get me out of her", "HELP, he is hurting me" "I said I'm going home, give me my shoe", "Stop touching my foot, I'm leaving" and my favorite "I don't want your sticker, I said I'm leaving!" In one way it was funny because she was so serious, but in another it was so embarrassing, especially when two other nurses came in to see what was wrong. For the record, she did not take a sticker from him when she was finished.

Reagan is doing well too, she is almost ready to potty train. She is now speaking in sentences of 4-5 words and getting better at expressing what she wants. She is growing up so quick!

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

Well, I had to laugh at Quinn's remarks when Lance told me on the phone and then I laughed again reading the blog. I wouldn't have taken a sticker either. Sure looks COLD up there. Congratulations, Quinn, on your medal.
Love and many kisses, Grandma