Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Lance wanted to get a shot of them in action and Rea's tail
What a cute lion

Trick or treat
Roooarrr ...oink
Halloween party at school
Playing pass the pumpkin game
Quinn at the parade at school
Reagan and Lance enjoying the parade
Do I have to wear this hat
Reagan helping Daddy get wood in
Do you like my hat

We took the kids Trick or Treating tonight, in an hour they racked up enough candy to last months. People were very generous, mostly because they wanted to give away all their candy so they could go to a big high school game tonight.
A photographer for the local paper was going to the game and saw Reagan out front and took her picture, he said it will be in the paper tomorrow...we'll see.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last week of soccer

Running a drill....that's how dark itwas at 5:30!
Going to score
A well deserved medal!

Reagan and I freezing

Monday was Quinn's last day of soccer for the year, she really enjoyed soccer this year, much more so than last year. It was FREEZING Monday so we were happy that it was a little shorter than usual, it was in the 30's with wind, Lance had to take Reagan to the car halfway through.

Yesterday we had a little drama when Quinn got a splinter in her foot in some rough wood in the office. According to her this was mine and Lance's fault because we weren't watching her, we didn't even check on her when she was a whole 10 feet away! She said it hurt to walk and we couldn't get it out so I took her to the Urgent Care or "Allergic Care" as Quinn called it. She wouldn't sit still for the doctor either, even when he was just looking she acted like he was killing her. He had to use a needle device and very small tweezers to get it while a nurse and I held her down. The whole time she was SCREAMING things like "Get off of me", "Let go of me, I'm leaving", "Someone get me out of her", "HELP, he is hurting me" "I said I'm going home, give me my shoe", "Stop touching my foot, I'm leaving" and my favorite "I don't want your sticker, I said I'm leaving!" In one way it was funny because she was so serious, but in another it was so embarrassing, especially when two other nurses came in to see what was wrong. For the record, she did not take a sticker from him when she was finished.

Reagan is doing well too, she is almost ready to potty train. She is now speaking in sentences of 4-5 words and getting better at expressing what she wants. She is growing up so quick!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pumpkin patch

Fun day at the pumpkin patch
why can't everyone look at the same time!!
Two little pumpkins for Rea
hhmmmm....look what I found
what about these ones mom
Too many pumpkins to choose
Reagan trying to grab some corn

Quinn on the tractor ride
slidin' down
What a big hay pile
Quinn in pumpkin land
Reagan holding her Indian corn fron the hayride
crazy kids
Our attempt for a family picture in front of the house

Today since Quinn was off from school we took a trip to our local pumpkin patch. It didn't compare to the great one from VA last year, but we didn't expect it too. The girls enjoyed the hayride, we stopped at a cornfield and they got to pick an ear of Indian corn. The also enjoyed the farm animals and maze and decorating a pumpkin. It was an enjoyable, but COLD, day.

Last night I went to Quinn's Parent Teacher conference, I was thrilled to finally get feedback from her teacher. She showed me some of Quinn's work, all of which she had done really well. She said Quinn is absolutely one of her favorites, she listens well and works very hard. She said Quinn is the most enthusiastic in the class for learning, Quinn always wants to write letters and try to learn new words. The kids are starting to work on blending sounds and sound out words. She said Quinn is one of the best in the class at this and showed me 5 words that Quinn was able to write from sounding them out (cat, sat, bat, rat and mat). She also said that Quinn socializes very well and is one of the most liked children in class because she can make friends with anyone.

She had no concerns at all, only praise. I was thrilled to hear all of this since we had struggled so much with the decision to send Quinn to school. It made me so proud to hear that she was doing so well.

Monday, October 20, 2008

fall fun

all bundled up at soccer
playing in the leaves
reagan wasn't sure what to do
run and jump

here i come!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Early Halloween

Have you ever seen a cuter pig and lion?
How cute is she?

Quinn is oinking...I lovethe way Reagan was looking at Quinn
I couldn't get enough of Reagan's costume

We let the girls try on their costumes today. Quinn was DETERMINED to be a pink pig, she wanted Rea to be a blue one but I couldn't find a costume. So then it was a cow but I coudn't find one in Reagan's size. Since she loves to roar like a lion we decided that Reagan would make a great lion...a cute one too!

Random pics

Quinn's letter to bridget
Cranberry Shindig
Quinn meets Smokey the Bear
Reading in the car
Quinn playing games in the car
Reagan playing dress up

Our nice warm weather is fading into fall. The leaves have really started to will be winter beforewe know it.
Quinn had soccer last night and scored 2 goals!!! We were thrilled! She is doing very well in school also, she is learning sight words and knows how to spell "my" and "the". We are very proud of her hard work!