Thursday, May 8, 2008

An update...finally

Quinn at the circus
He was the ringmaster
Reagan posing

Silly Girls

Since my internet is limited it has been difficult to update this but I finally have a few minutes. We are still staying the condo but we have found a house and are counting down the days until we move in it on July 1. The girls are doing great, we try to go to the park, pool or play area at the mall a few days a week to stay busy!
Quinn actually was swimming without her swimmies yesterday! She would jump in and swim to me then back to the ladder, about 6 - 7 feet. I was really proud of her but she was more proud of herself! She is signed up for Kindergarten next year, I'll stop crying about it soon, and can't wait to go. We are going to a Kindergarten prep meeting tonight.
Reagan is going well too, she still has such a temper but we are working on it!

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

How can such a cute little girl have a temper!!!??? The circus looks like it was lots of fun.
WOW! Quinn!! What a great job you're doing swimming without those swimmies. You'll just have to fly to Florida so we can see how you do it, or maybe we'll see you in June.
Love and Kisses, Grandma and Grandpa