Monday, February 11, 2008

More FL Pics

This isn't a nude beach!
What a cutie.
Daddy's girl

Here I go

Where's Quinn's legs?

We finally made it back home yesterday, we had a 5 hour delay at the at the airport and arrived home to cold and high winds! The winds were so high they kncked out our power for a couple hours! We had a great time but are happy to be home!


Elliot Press said...

Looks like FL was a blast! Love the pic of the bare tushy! Your girls are too cute and grandma and grandpa look good too. Miss you all and hope we can all get together sometime soon. All our love.
The Press Family

Grandma "R" said...

It was great to have Quinn and Reagan - Lance and Stacy too - with us last week. Quinn sure loved picking up all those shells. The gulf wasn't Reagan's favorite thing but she liked the pool and took to it right away. Quinn still loves the water. Goes under and always comes up laughing!! We got some great pictures.
Hugs and Kisses, Grandma and Grandpoppy