Saturday, February 23, 2008

Counting down the days until Daddy comes home!

Quinn and Reagan are very excited for Lance to come home, and so am I. Only 5 more days until we will be all together again! I don't have any new pictures because Lance has our camera in NYC but I do have some updates on the girls.

Quinn has now learned to write her name by herself! She does a really great job and is so proud of herself. She is also working on writing short words at school such as bus, Mom, and Dad. They have began to learn what sounds letters make and she knows several. We sent in her registration for Kindergarten at St. Joseph's Catholic School next year. It atually made me sad, i can't believe our baby will be old enough for school.

It seems like Reagan learns something new everyday, she is like a little spounge! She is constantly adding to the words that she can say and is now up to about 25. She is also learning her body parts, she can say and point to her: nose, eyes, mouth, belly, head and feet (she can't say feet yet though). She is still doing a great job sleeping in her big girl bed and seems to be really proud of herself when we get er up in the morning!

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

Keep up the good work Quinn. Everyday, I look at the picture you colored while you were here. What a great job you did. A regular artist!!!
Love, Grandma