Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gingerbread House

Reagan loves to take her shoes off in the car!
Quinn pouting because her movie went off

Quinn and Daddy make the foundation
Reagan wants to help Quinn thought this was so much fun
Quinn's first Gingerbread House
Pretty good for our first one!
Last night we made a Gingerbread house, I didn't bake it though, I bought a kit a Target. Quinn thought it was a lot of fun, but that it took a long time. She was also a bit disappointed in the size, I guess when I told her about it she imagined one like we saw at the Ritz, a lifesize one. She kept asking when it would get bigger so we could get in it.


Grandma "R" said...

WOW!! What a beautiful gingerbread house!! It may not be as big as the one at the Ritz but it's just as pretty. I'm sure with the snow you're getting today everything puts you in the Christmas spirit. Is there enough snow to go sledding???
Love, Grandma Raffo

Laura Domina said...

Great gingerbread house! Has anyone tried to eat it yet?! Looks like it was alot of fun.