Saturday, December 15, 2007

Breakfast with Santa at the Ritz

Reagan and Daddy at the Ritz
Family picture

Quinn at theGingerbread house at the Ritz
Reagan decorating her cookies at Breakfast with Santa
Quinn decorating her cookie
Quinn with her candy cane she decorated
Reagan had so much fun!

Today we had breakfast with Santa at the Ritz in true RitzCarlton fashion! It was for all the employees so their wereover 400 kids there! The breakfast buffett was wonderful and of course, the service was impeccable!
They had many stations set up for the kids, an arts and craft area where Quinn made a glitter stocking. An area to write a letter to Santa, which Quinn did, requesting the real fish she wants and a pretend one for Reagan because she would spill a real one (that is all Quinn wants, what a sweet kid). Quinn's favorite was the cookie decorating station, she made a candy cane and gingerbread man. Reagan also made a snowflake, both the girls sampled some candy along the way!
Both of the girls wereterrified of Santa so we stayed away from him. It was such a wonderful event and so nice of the Ritz to have such a wonderful event for the families.

1 comment:

Laura Domina said...

Everyone looks like they had a great time!! The family picture in front of the tree is really nice. Love the video of Reagan saying Bye Bye. So cute!!