Saturday, October 13, 2007

Reagan's first haircut!

Ready to get my first haircut!
Not sure if I trust that crazy lady!
This is fun!
I didn't like getting my bangs cut.
I'm such a big girl now, it made mommy cry!

Ready to watch Quinn's's freezing!
Cheering on my big sis!
Getting ready for Halloween

How cute am I?

So, I shed a few tears today as my baby got her first haircut. We went to Cartoon Cuts, the kid atmosphere seemed to help, except the kid next to us screaming like someone was killing him. Reagan did great until it came time to get her bangs cut then she freaked out. But she looks really cute now.

Quinn hada a soccer game today, she did ok. She was more interested in what the parents were doing then playing the game. She has her first field trip on Monday to a pumpkin patch, she is really excited.


Grandma "R" said...

Little Reagan getting her first haircut. That big tear is soooo cute while getting the bangs done. Then the smile afterward.
Please send some of that cool weather to Florida!
Quinn - Have a great time at the pumpkin patch.
Hugs and kisses to you both,
Grandma and Grandpa

Laura Domina said...

What a big girl!! Good job Reagan. So cute!!!!!!!
Love you, Aunt Laura