Thursday, July 26, 2007

Welcome to blogging

Ok, I thought that blogging may be a good way to keep in touch with family and friends and share pictures of the girls easily. I am new to blogging though, so bear with me.

We can't believe how much Reagan is walking now! She walks everywhere as if she had been walking for months! She is so proud of herself too! She can also say hi and bye bye now, she even waves! We think that she may say Mama and Dada but can't verify that yet. She still has no teeth, but eats great anyway!

Quinn is working hard on her letters. She reconizes many, we are working on writing them, something that she struggles with. She has learned all the major colors and most shapes. Her teachers said she is doing a great job! We are going to the zoo on Sunday, Quinn can't wait to see the elephant get a bath. Don't worry, we'll send pics!
These pics are a few weeks old, Quinn was dressing up of course and Reagan is just being her cute self!

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