Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pool pics and a tooth sighting

Good afternoon!
Today we finally saw Reagan's first tooth coming in, it's about time! She is getting her top, front two teeth, one has already broke through and the other one is about to. We are just so happy that she is finally getting teeth and will be able to eat more now!
We didn't feel like dealing with the crowd at our sub division pool so we decided to play in the back yard pool. The kids had a great time splashing and jumping around. We have all had head colds this week so we wanted to take it easy a bit.
Tomorrow morning we are going to take the metro into DC to go to the zoo, Quinn is really excited about both going to the zoo and riding the metro. Lance is excited because tomorrow afternoon we are going to Redskins Park to watch the 'Skins training camp. I am not sure if Reagan and I will be going ,but Lance and Quinn are looking forward to it. It's only a couple miles from our house so at least it will be a quick drive!
We are also preparing for Lance's departure Tuesday. He is going to Miami for 2 1/2 weeks to help the Ritz Carlton Ket Biscayne. It is going to be hard but nothing in comparision to what the spouses of the men and women serving our country are going through.
Have a great day! : )

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

I may be a little bit biased, but aren't these girls the cutest!!