Sunday, July 29, 2007

One busy day!

We had big plans for today! First we were going to the zoo, then to the Redskins Park for their open practice for training camp. Tonight I am filling out my application for overschedulers annonmyous. I don't know why I fill the need to plan out and schedule every free minute so that we are constantly on the go when Lance is home. Anyway, today I had our day so full I had to get up a 6!

The weather wasn't cooperating when we woke up so we thought thatour plans were a wash out but things cleared up a bit so we decided to give it a time. We started out around 8:30am for the metro station. Quinn absolutely loves riding the metro so she really enjoyed it! There were some delays so it took us a while longer than usual to get in.

We got to the zoo around 10 and wentto the elephants. Quinn enjoyed watchingthe elephant get hosed and bathed, she thinks it is so funny. Reagan was even watching closely and smiling. We were able to see a good bit of animals which was nice considering it was 90 and humid! Quinn enjoyed seeing the apes, lions, tigers, sea lions, cows, and her favorite on this trip was the Mommy Panda Bear. All the bears were sleeping but they were out at least. There weren't many people and we had plotted our route ( obessive need to plan everything) so we were able to see everything pretty quickly. By 1:30 we were all hot, tired and ready to head back out. Just as we were getting to the metro we heard thunder.

By the time we got back out it had stormed so we were unsure about the Redskins practice, which was scheduled at 4. The farther out we drove the darker it got. By the time we arrivedatthe field it was pouring and it had been cancelled. Quinn and Lance were very disappointed, Quinn had even learned part of the fight song! We ended up soming home and had and early dinner.

We wanted to share Quinn's recent accomplishment's. I may have mentioned before that she is learning opposites and knows 7 or 8. She has also learned her right and left, she picked this up really quickly. Her preschool ends summer camp and gets back into the regular cirriculam the day after Labor Day. Quinn is excited to start wearing her uniform again which makes laundry easier!

Attached are some pictures of Reagan getting her favorite "toy" upstairs. Anytime we are upstairs she goes straght to the girls bathroom, gets in Quinn's stepstool and retrieves a medicine dropper and medicine to carry around with her, she loves it.

Time to unpack from our day of fun!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pool pics and a tooth sighting

Good afternoon!
Today we finally saw Reagan's first tooth coming in, it's about time! She is getting her top, front two teeth, one has already broke through and the other one is about to. We are just so happy that she is finally getting teeth and will be able to eat more now!
We didn't feel like dealing with the crowd at our sub division pool so we decided to play in the back yard pool. The kids had a great time splashing and jumping around. We have all had head colds this week so we wanted to take it easy a bit.
Tomorrow morning we are going to take the metro into DC to go to the zoo, Quinn is really excited about both going to the zoo and riding the metro. Lance is excited because tomorrow afternoon we are going to Redskins Park to watch the 'Skins training camp. I am not sure if Reagan and I will be going ,but Lance and Quinn are looking forward to it. It's only a couple miles from our house so at least it will be a quick drive!
We are also preparing for Lance's departure Tuesday. He is going to Miami for 2 1/2 weeks to help the Ritz Carlton Ket Biscayne. It is going to be hard but nothing in comparision to what the spouses of the men and women serving our country are going through.
Have a great day! : )

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Welcome to blogging

Ok, I thought that blogging may be a good way to keep in touch with family and friends and share pictures of the girls easily. I am new to blogging though, so bear with me.

We can't believe how much Reagan is walking now! She walks everywhere as if she had been walking for months! She is so proud of herself too! She can also say hi and bye bye now, she even waves! We think that she may say Mama and Dada but can't verify that yet. She still has no teeth, but eats great anyway!

Quinn is working hard on her letters. She reconizes many, we are working on writing them, something that she struggles with. She has learned all the major colors and most shapes. Her teachers said she is doing a great job! We are going to the zoo on Sunday, Quinn can't wait to see the elephant get a bath. Don't worry, we'll send pics!
These pics are a few weeks old, Quinn was dressing up of course and Reagan is just being her cute self!