Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Quinn on a rock wall at the park
Reagan climbed it too!

Spidey Reagan

Quinn enjoying a big slide

Look at me!

Coaxing a smile out of Reag

Even though it was cold Quinn liked the water

Look, a sea shell

Quinn and mommy

Reagan and Grandma getting water

So serious...didn't she know we were on vacation.

Quinn loves the beach

If only Reagan would look

Such a cutie! Cool kid!

The girls playing at the shore, but Reagan wouldn't get in

Reagan loved digging

Always ready for picture

REagan in the pool...about as far as she likes to go.

Quinn in her swim cover up ready to swim!

Quinn doing her favorite thing...jumping in

AAAHHHH, this is the life

Planning her next jump

We had a great time in FL last week. It was nice to have some warm weather even if we came back to snow! It was really windy at the beach but the girls had a great time anyway, Reagan wasn't a fan of the ocean, Quinn didn't mind the chilly temp. They both enjoyed going to the pool, especially Quinn. And, of course, both girls were happy to get to spend some time with their grandparents.
We also went up to Disney for the day, those pictures are in another post, the girls loved that and can't wait to go back!

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

We sure did have a good time with Lance, Stacy, Quinn and Reagan. Quinn remains the "water lover," and Reagan loved the sand. It was a quick week and I'm so glad they got to Disney. Next time we'll go too. Thanks for all the pictures.
Love, Grandma and Grandpoppy