Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bath pics and Quinn reading

Quinn, the bubble Lion
Two bath lions!

Reagan was so excited about the bubble bath when I went to get towels she jumped in with her shirt on. This is her "Uh oh, I got caught, am I in trouble face"
As you can see, the girls really enjoyed their recent bubble bath! Also, there is a link to a you tube video of Quinn reading a book, the video was too large to post here. We are in for some warmer weather this weekend so we are looking forward to that.
Of course, the girls can't wait to see Grandma and Poppy in a couple weeks. Quinn is very excited about going to Disney too, she has been doing extra chores to earn "Disney Dollars"!

1 comment:

Grandma "R" said...

A lot of things to comment on but first to Quinn. What a great job you did in reading. I bet that's your favorite subject in school.
I enjoyed seeing pictures of Scout. What a cute puppy she is. Last but not least, Reagan, you look like a doll in ponytails.
Hugs and kisses, Grandma
PS - Right now Grandpoppy is on the Great Ball Hunt!!!!See you in 13 days.