Monday, March 30, 2009


Our magical journey awaits!
Reag's first ride

Giddy up!

TEa cups

Hi daddy!

Mickey's show at the castle

Mommy and the girls in front of Cinderella's castle

Reagan was so distracted watching everything around her!

Dumbo...the classic

here we go on Dumbo

Quinn in her new ears

Quinn and Cinderalla!

Quinn and Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Quinn and Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

REagan was in awe of the princesses

Mickey's parade

Donald, Reag's favorite

We took the girls to Disney last week during our trip to FL, they had a blast! Quinn had worked extra hard doing chores to earn "Disney Dollars" that she was able to spend at the park, she enjoyed deciding what to buy. Both girls really enjoyed everything, we were surprised with how much Reagan enjoyed it and remembers, she was even telling people in the airport about it. Dumbo was REagan's favorite, Quinn was able to drive the boat on the Jungle Safari so that was her favorite, they both LOVED meeting the Pricesses too.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome Scout

Leave me alone, I'm napping.
Playing outside with Quinn

Quinn riding her bike, she is getting much better.

Quinn and Scout.

Quinn loves her!

So, Quinn and Reagan kinda have a new puppy. My mom's neighbor had a 12 week old beagle/terrior mix that she couldn't keep because her son is allergic. The girls saw the puupy playing in their yard Saturday when we went for a walk and she followed us home. After they had played with her for a couple of hourse we saw the neighbor come home, as I was getting ready to take the puppy home Quinn started crying and Grandma said they could keep her. Quinn is delighted and loves helping take care of her. Reagan likes her as well, she enjoys telling her what to do.
We are counting down the last few days before we head off to FL. The warm weather here has made the girls that much more excited!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bath pics and Quinn reading

Quinn, the bubble Lion
Two bath lions!

Reagan was so excited about the bubble bath when I went to get towels she jumped in with her shirt on. This is her "Uh oh, I got caught, am I in trouble face"
As you can see, the girls really enjoyed their recent bubble bath! Also, there is a link to a you tube video of Quinn reading a book, the video was too large to post here. We are in for some warmer weather this weekend so we are looking forward to that.
Of course, the girls can't wait to see Grandma and Poppy in a couple weeks. Quinn is very excited about going to Disney too, she has been doing extra chores to earn "Disney Dollars"!