Thursday, December 11, 2008

A visit to Santa

Quinn with Santa
Take my picture mom!
They look like I just told them Santa isn't real
silly smiles
what a big girl
Ho, ho ho!
Merry Christmas

We took the girls to see Santa last night at the mall. Reagan was excited and said she would sit on his "wap" but when we there she wouldn't go within 10 feet of him! She dug her feet into the ground and said. "I no go". Quinn happily sat on his lap (for the first time ever!) took pictures and told him the 3 things she wants. She did ask why she had to tell him since she already wrote him a letter.
One the way home Quinn suddenly became sick, she was sick most of the night so she had to miss school today. We are hoping it doesn't spread to us or Reagan!


Jenni said...

Cute pics! I hope Quinn feels better soon.

Anne said...

Wow Quinnie I'm so proud of you..You girls looks so cute!

Grandma "R" said...

Cute pictures of the girls!! Pretty tree!!
Quinn - Your letter to Santa is really, really wonderful. What a fine job you did and I know he did not have any trouble reading it. I hope your're feeling better and that Reagan doesn't get it. See you on December 23rd.
Hugs and kisses, Grandma