Monday, December 22, 2008

Reagan passed out watching the Wizard of Oz...her new favorite movie
So peaceful

Celebrating Christmas with Shelley


Santa's lil' helper

Reagan loves this vest

How cute is she
We are finishing up some packing and getting ready to head to MD tommorow to celebrate Christmas. The girls are thilled, Quinn has been counting down the days.
Reagan went for her 2 1/2 year check up last week, she is 26 pounds and 35 inches (25th and 50th percentiles) and is in perfect health. She doesn't have all of her teeth yet but should be getting the last couple soon. She continues to repeat about everything someone says, this week her new word was gorgeous...everything was gorgeous!
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Quinn's Christmas concert

Here is a video from Quinn's concert, I took one of the kids singing but you couldn't hear it. Reagan loved the entire concert and found Quinn ( or a blonde haired girl) in every grade level.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A visit to Santa

Quinn with Santa
Take my picture mom!
They look like I just told them Santa isn't real
silly smiles
what a big girl
Ho, ho ho!
Merry Christmas

We took the girls to see Santa last night at the mall. Reagan was excited and said she would sit on his "wap" but when we there she wouldn't go within 10 feet of him! She dug her feet into the ground and said. "I no go". Quinn happily sat on his lap (for the first time ever!) took pictures and told him the 3 things she wants. She did ask why she had to tell him since she already wrote him a letter.
One the way home Quinn suddenly became sick, she was sick most of the night so she had to miss school today. We are hoping it doesn't spread to us or Reagan!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Letter to Santa and Gingerbread House

Look at what I made with Mommy
The finished house

Quinn's letter to Santa, she asked for Playdoh, a dollhouse and a puppy maker. We sounded out the words and she did really well for the most part.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Reagan and I meet Abi

It only looks like she is crying...she loved me.

Reagan was cheesing it up
Giving Abigail kisses
Reagan loved holding the baby on her "wap"

Reagan likes a cold one before bed sometimes
Lance helping Rea get her first buzz....just kidding.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Playing Wii and Chuck E Cheese

CAn i go play some more now
What a view
Going for a ride
Giddy up
I think I shanked it

I'm ready to play some wii

We took the girls to Chuck E Cheese yesterday to celebrate how well Quinn is doing in school but also because she has had a gift card since her birthday. They both had a great time and enjoyed playing games and getting tickets. Quinn was such a big sister with Reagan, helping her play and not get lost in the tunnels.
Quinn continues to learn how to spell new words, this week she learned see, we, go, hot, mom, dad, cat, rat, sat, mat, fat,bat and many others.
We are having snow showers all week but it isn't supposed to amount to much so we'll see.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Quinn reading a book

A video of Quinn reading a book Quinn practicing some of her words...I had to help with one

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Lance wanted to get a shot of them in action and Rea's tail
What a cute lion

Trick or treat
Roooarrr ...oink
Halloween party at school
Playing pass the pumpkin game
Quinn at the parade at school
Reagan and Lance enjoying the parade
Do I have to wear this hat
Reagan helping Daddy get wood in
Do you like my hat

We took the kids Trick or Treating tonight, in an hour they racked up enough candy to last months. People were very generous, mostly because they wanted to give away all their candy so they could go to a big high school game tonight.
A photographer for the local paper was going to the game and saw Reagan out front and took her picture, he said it will be in the paper tomorrow...we'll see.