Monday, November 5, 2007

Two future Mommies

Reagan taking her baby shopping
Reagan loving her baby
Thebaby is finished eating
Is this how I should hold a baby?
Out of the carseat.
Tonight the girls and I had a great night! Both the girls ate their dinner great (peas, rice, hot dogs and carrots) which was enough to make me happy! But after dinner we played "Mommy". This involved taking care of our babies, taking them in and out of various baby toys. Reagan especially found this game hilarous and loved givingher baby kisses. We had such a great time and the girls played so well together.
Quinn toldme that when she growns up she will be a doctor and a mommy, just like me. Why she thinks I'm a doctor I don't know but it made me feel good!
Reagan has decided that she doesn't want to sit in a high chair anymore, she now sits in a booster seat at the table like a big girl. It makes her really happy to be able to eat beside Quinn, she is growing up so fast!

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