Friday, July 1, 2011

Back to blogging

The other day the kids found the link to this blog on the computer and looked at it forever, then I joined in as well.  It was so much fun to go back and look at the pictures and read what went along with them.  I blame facebook for the demse of our family blog, but I have decided to start doing posts again.  One day it will be so nice top be able to go back and look at the pictures and read what we were doing and what the girls were up to. 

Since it has been awhile since I posted I am not going to go back for everything but may do some "blasts from the past" posts.  Today, I'm going to start with our recent trip to FL!  We went to FL for the girls Spring Break this year, but it was our first time without Lance!  The girls did great and had a wonderful time.  It was the first time Reagan has truly enjoyed the ocean, she was just as much a water dog as her big sister!
 Reagan playing in the ocean
 Rinsing a shell
 Quinn showing the perfect shell
 Such a big girl now!

 Reagan sitting in her pretty dress!
 So Cute!
 Quinny, always serious!
 My girls
 Reagan hauling up one of the 5000 buckets of water she carried from the ocean
 Quinn at the zoo
 Quinn and mommy at the beach
 She has always loved jumping in!
 My surfer girl!
 The ocean is so much fun
 Love that smile!
 That smirk is more Reagan like
 Reagan and mommy!
Reagan lovng the water!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Maryland trip

Downtown Annapolis
Such a view!

Wish we could see this everyday

4 cousins

Floating around

Having such a good time

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A trip to the Fair

Beautiful girls riding a fish ride.
Flying high

Quinn telling her dad not to eat her cotton candy.

Riding a dino coaster...Reagan hated it and cried. It jerked around a lot.

She loves this ride.

Always smiling

First ride of the night.

Farmer Quinn
We took the girls to the Nicholas County Fair the other night, there were only a few ride but they had a good time. Quinn saw several of her dance and soccer friends which she enjoyed.
Our house should be ready in the next couple of weeks which we are all looking forward too. This week we are heading to MD, the girls are thrilled about that.
Quinn is working hard on her reading this summer. She is doing SO well, she amazes me everyday. Reagan is still working on learning her letters and colors but it's starting to make sense to her.
Quinn is starting to become very aware of what she sees and hears and is paying way more attention to everything. We have heard her singing songs from the radio and repeating things she has heard on TV. This week she was obsessed with why people change their name when the get married. She said she ws going to change her first name now, to Hannah (not sure if that is because og Hannah Montana) and asked to be called Hannah. Reagan said, "Me too, call me Big Truck, Mommy." Although by the end of the day they were back to Quinn and Reagan.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Meet Bo Jangles

Our new puppy Bo

Quinn with the dogs

Bo and Scout playing

Getting to know each other

Bo hanging out

Bo scratching

Reagan digging

Quinn with a rock she found at the lake

Our little beach beauties

The girls are thrilled that we have a new family member, a boxer puppy named Bo. Quinn decided his last name is Jangles because she thought Bo Raffo was weird. He is 5 weeks old and really sweet. He and Scout get along great and are sure to keep each other really busy.
Last week I took the girls to the beach area at Summersville Lake, Quinn was expecting a real beach and was somewhat disappointed but soo had a good time. We are meeting a friend there tomorrow.
Our house should be ready in a couple weeks and we can't wait. The girls are going camping this weekend and are really excited about that. Hope everyone has a great 4th!