Monday, June 29, 2009

Meet Bo Jangles

Our new puppy Bo

Quinn with the dogs

Bo and Scout playing

Getting to know each other

Bo hanging out

Bo scratching

Reagan digging

Quinn with a rock she found at the lake

Our little beach beauties

The girls are thrilled that we have a new family member, a boxer puppy named Bo. Quinn decided his last name is Jangles because she thought Bo Raffo was weird. He is 5 weeks old and really sweet. He and Scout get along great and are sure to keep each other really busy.
Last week I took the girls to the beach area at Summersville Lake, Quinn was expecting a real beach and was somewhat disappointed but soo had a good time. We are meeting a friend there tomorrow.
Our house should be ready in a couple weeks and we can't wait. The girls are going camping this weekend and are really excited about that. Hope everyone has a great 4th!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

One busy weekend

How beautiful!
Ready to dance (middle)

Dancing...maybe a bit off (second from left)

Daddy and his girls

Lance brought Quinn flowers, she felt so special!

We are so proud!

We tried to get all 4 of us

Reagan opening a gift with help from Grandma and Quinn

Wonder what this is?

Wow, new babies for both of us

An Einstein's music card


Reagan's trucks birthday was so cute!

Taking a little 4-wheeler ride

Quinn and Ms. Craft, her teacher

Quinn getting her diploma from our "favorite" principal

Reading the welcome address
This weekend was reall busy! We had a great time at all of our events. Reagan's party was really nice and we had great weather for everything except the kindergarten party. Quinny is finished with her first year of school and ready to enjoy some free time. This week we don't have much planned but we are heading to 4-H camp next week so she is excited about that!
Reagan is so proud to be 3 and continues to amaze us learning new things. Her latest is that she now knows how to tell knock knock jokes, which she finds hilarious!