Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Camping trip

Our big girl looking cute for school.
Reagan playing in the tent

Quinn taking an open air nap.

Trying to catch those pesky fish

Daddy and his girls fishing.

We went camping Memioral Day weekend with my mom and Wes. We stayed at a really nice campground along a river that went into a lake. Quinn had a good time fishing even though no one caught much all weekend. We also went out on my aunt's boat, both girls enjoyed riding the boat, Quinn even drove and jumped off the back several times when we were swimming. The weather was great, we only got a little rain.
This weekend is Quinn's last soccer game and next week she finishes up her first year of school. Quinn also has her dance recital next weekend.
Reagan is getting excited for her birthday and talks about it constantly. All morning she has been telling me "Mom, you are my best mommy.", I guess I beat out her other mommy, whoever that is.
We are going to pick out the coulors for our house today, we are really excited about it and can't wait to move in!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our soccer star

What a great kick in
Playing with Braden (he has a crush on her)

being silly

Quinn is enjoying playing soccer again this year, she almost scored twice in the last game and is getting more aggressive on the field. She has made a lot of new friends and has a couple of soccer boyfriends.