Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Playing Wii and Chuck E Cheese

CAn i go play some more now
What a view
Going for a ride
Giddy up
I think I shanked it

I'm ready to play some wii

We took the girls to Chuck E Cheese yesterday to celebrate how well Quinn is doing in school but also because she has had a gift card since her birthday. They both had a great time and enjoyed playing games and getting tickets. Quinn was such a big sister with Reagan, helping her play and not get lost in the tunnels.
Quinn continues to learn how to spell new words, this week she learned see, we, go, hot, mom, dad, cat, rat, sat, mat, fat,bat and many others.
We are having snow showers all week but it isn't supposed to amount to much so we'll see.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Quinn reading a book

A video of Quinn reading a book Quinn practicing some of her words...I had to help with one