Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Egg decorating at The Ritz

Reagan and Daddy watching Quinn
What a serious chef!
Getting some tips from chef Phil
Time to get started
Look at all those eggs!
Reagan enjoying the ride
Cruisin' the 'hood
She just rode off the curb!
Today we wen tto the Ritz for Quinn to participate in an egg decorting class! She had a great time and madesome really interesting eggs. We also went to see the Easter Bunny, suprisingly both kids were happy to take a picture with him!
The other pictures are from the other day when it was really nice out and the girls got to ride their outdoor toys.
Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Coloring Easter Eggs

This morning we colored some Easter eggs, we didn't have any vinegar though so they didn't turn out great. We are going to get some vinegar and do some more in a few days.

The girls had a great time, we had a princess kit so they thought it was fun to put glitter and stickers on the eggs.

A funny Quinn story. We were outside talking to our neighbors the other night, Quinn was talking to her friends. Then, Will, a five year old up the street came out. I think Quinn has a crush on him because she always acts different when he is around. SHe went over to talk to him andthe talked for a few minutes. He asked her if she'd been "jeeping", (we think that means driving her Barbie Jeep), she was twirling her skirt and playing with her hair the whole time. I told herit was time to go in so she walked to him and said she had to go and with puckered lips told him to give her a hug and kiss. Will is a boys boy so he screamed and took off running, so Quinn chased him screaming for him to kiss her. Lance was in the garage shielding his eyes the whole time!

I finally convinced Quinn to give it up and come in so we could have a talk about kissing people.